Statutory Information
Behaviour, Wellbeing & Safeguarding
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Meet The Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead 
 Liz Shimwell  
-Assistant Headteacher
Behaviour and Attitudes Lead 
Jill Newbolt 
- Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Safeguarding Lead 
Maxine Bolsover 
Deputy Safeguarding Lead 
Tyson Gee 
Wellbeing Team 
Natalie Woodhall 
Wellbeing Team 
Karen Taylor 
Wellbeing Team 
Mark Hollyhead 
At Abbey School we promote to children that school is a safe place to make mistakes. We have a strong belief that children learn from the mistakes they make and it is our job as educators to use this policy in supporting them to put right what went wrong therefore allowing learning to happen. The whole school have a relentless focus on positive behaviour. Restorative practice is used across the whole school team.

At different times in a child's life they will exhibit challenging behaviour for a whole host of reasons. It is key that we work together to find ways to help children deal with these challenges in a safe and positive way. Within school we have staff trained as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants and whole school training around Attachment and Trauma informs much of our practice in supporting positive behaviour.
At Abbey School we aim to meet the whole child's needs through: The provision of a predictable and safe immersive environment that bases its curriculum on the nurture and wellbeing of pupils before we begin to work on academic skills.
The appropriate learning curriculum which has carefully-planned learning opportunities including the development of personalised wellbeing for every individual. It is through this pupil-centred and inclusive approach that pupils will learn to understand, manage and improve their own behaviour, and to build positive relationships with adults and other pupils.

The wellbeing team work closely with class teams, parents and external professionals to offer appropriate, personalised wellbeing interventions for children. These are monitored to measure impact and ensure our children can be happy and ready to learn. Please see the Behaviour Policy for more detail.
Wellbeing interventions include ;
Support for bereaved children and their families, Emotional Literacy Support, Outdoor Learning, Sensory interventions, Self esteem groups, Play Support, Understanding and regulating my emotions, Girl/ Boy power group.
We take safeguarding pupils extremely serious at Abbey as all schools do. Staff are encouraged to have an open dialogue with parents and carers to ensure that we all keep your children safe from harm.

Policies, procedures and risk assessments are fully in place to ensure the safety, welfare and care of our pupils. Governors play an active role in ensuring that procedures are carried out. Ms Shimwell is the Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Maxine Bolsover/Mr Tyson Gee will deputise for her in matters of child protection in her absence. The protection of children is everyone's concern. The school is required to take any reasonable action to safeguard its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, we are obliged to follow the procedures established by the Rotherham LA and inform the Social Care of our concerns.