Phonics & Reading
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We aim to provide children with an integrated programme of learning through speaking and listening, reading and writing.

The teaching of Phonics is based upon the Little Wandle Letters & Sounds revised scheme.

  • Each child should be assessed on what sounds they know and what words they are able to read, taking into account their prior schools phonics programme.
  • A daily phonics session should be taught based on these assessments making sure that there are 4 parts to the session > Revisit > Teach > Practice > Apply.
  • Focused directed teaching involving oral and written practise.
  • A variety of teaching methods, including: introducing a new sound with the appropriate image and given rhyme and demonstration and modelling of
    letter formation.
Phonics should be taught daily. Students completing the phonics programs will then work on SPAG or functional skills.
  • To ensure a consistent and systematic approach to the teaching and learning of phonics.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to have daily oral, reading and written practise to increase phonic knowledge and handwriting skills.
  • To encourage pupils to apply their phonic knowledge in reading, writing and spelling activities.
Broad Guidelines 
  • Planning should be based on assessment and taught in order of the Little Wandle letters and sounds revised scheme. Using Little Wandle planning format and 'tricky words'. The 'teach' should use a range of teaching strategies including rhymes and cued articulation where appropriate.
  • All students will work in groups according to the set of phonics sounds they are currently working on. This will allow all pupils to progress as individuals and build on previous learning. These group should be dynamic and continuous assessment should determine how they move between groups.
  • Assessment should be a continuous process and up-to date records kept using, assessment for each set of sounds (read in isolation and in real and non-real words)
  • Daily teaching of phonics should include planned learning objectives so that new learning takes place daily or weekly (depending on the individual children) through a range of activities. Daily lessons should be planned in the sequence and should allow opportunities for both oral, reading and written practise.
  • When pupil's speech and language difficulties present as their primary need cued articulation is the preferred method to developing speech and phonetic reading.
  • All children should be encouraged to apply their phonic knowledge across the curriculum wherever appropriate.
  • To enhance pupil's enjoyment and understanding teaching should reflect a variety of learning styles including the use of ICT, games, drama, speaking, listening and writing.
  • Principles of good teaching and learning in phonics will be shared with parents through workshops, twitter, literature and via the school website.
  • Pupils should be taught the conventional ways of forming letter shapes, lower case and capitals through purposeful guided practise and alternatives to when practise can't be used. Modelling letter formation should be used to encourage a comfortable and legible handwriting style.
  • All Children in school will be taught phonics until they are ready to exit a program. When students exit the program they will complete SPAG or functional skills activities.
Roles and Responsibilities

English Lead will manage the curriculum in terms of content and resources monitor the planning and offer their skills, knowledge and support to colleagues.

Class Teacher is responsible for using assessment to plan phonics and handwriting lessons.

Class Team will deliver lessons, from teacher planning, and assess as appropriate.

This policy is a guideline to the teaching and learning of phonics. Our aim is for all phonics lessons to be fun and engaging for all pupils. The acquisition of phonic knowledge is key to many literacy activities, including spelling and reading and needs regular systematic practice to achieve the best progress. Daily practice is key, but learning should be applied across the curriculum.

"There is so much more to a book than just reading" Maurice Sendak

  • At Abbey, we understand that reading is an essential life skill and we are committed to enabling our pupils to become lifelong , functional readers by promoting a love for reading.

  • Our intent for reading at Abbey is to promote all pupils in becoming fluent and effective functional readers through rich vocabulary, comprehension skills and instil reading for pleasure. Early reading skills are essential for our pupils and are covered throughout school to meet each individual learners needs.

  • We know our pupils need to be prepared more than any for their adulthood and next steps. Our pupils are exposed to high quality literature that is promoted throughout our setting.

  • Our curriculum design ensures our pupils are exposed to a variety of high quality texts using the four corners of our curriculum as a driver. These include topic based texts and our Top 5 Reading Spine allowing our pupils to explore a range of high quality poetry, fiction, non fiction and classic texts.

  • Our approach to reading will support pupils towards functional readers that are preparade for their next steps.

Top 5 Reads
Our English curriculum is designed to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with the skills for understanding and applying spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.

Our top 5 reads give students the opportunities to familiarise themselves and over learner a range of texts.


U1 / H1
U3 / H2
U5 / H3
U7 / H4
WP1 / WP2