Curriculum Implementation
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Our Curriculum Implementation
Rooted in our vison and values
A curriculum that builds knowledge and skills through the creation of experiences that take into consideration individual need and development stages.

To develop learners to be confident, happy individuals that have a safe place to make mistakes.

To be inquisitive, resilient and inspired learners that believe in themselves and achieve their full potential

The core to our curriculum is its foundation of 3 tiers:
Wellbeing Building our pupils aspirations

Our curriculum has wellbeing at its heart. No leaner is ready to develop if they do not have their basic needs met.

Academic Developing courage, a great attitude, respect and a big heart within our pupils
A personalised curriculum model that follows the national curriculum and allows our pupils access to a broad and balanced range of subjects (Core and Enriched)

Enterprise and Employability Preparing our pupils for Adulthood
The curriculum is rich in opportunities to develop enterprise and careers.

This includes work Related learning, work experience, life skills and access to independent careers advice and employers enhanced through the schools STEAM street Project.

Driven by half termly Topics
Our curriculum is immersive in its approach. This allows pupils to experience a new exciting and engaging topic every half term in exciting and vibrant themed classrooms. We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts
Developing Big Questions
We want our pupils to be able to think through, ask, and develop an understanding on the key concepts across the curriculum
Promoting Vocabulary
Through our communication promise, Magic 12, talk guidelines and talk for writing
Making links
Exposure to immersive topics encourages our children to create links across the curriculum. Engagement in learning is fostered through the four underpinning cornerstones.
Underpinned by the 4 Cornerstones:corners.pngEngage
Creating a memorable experience to hook children into their learning every half term.
Allowing pupils to ask, talk, identifying, developing and take part
Allowing our pupils to delve deeper into the subject acquire new knowledge, practice, finding, following and explaining
Through innovation projects allowing our children to Applying, building, reflecting, working reciprocally, taking on different roles and responsibilities
Pupils are given a real-world purpose to their learning. To showcase an end product e.g.using a community space, book signing, carnival, film premier etcGiving pupils opportunity to perform, evaluate, reflect, share and celebrate
Broad and Balanced Curriculum Offer
Core SubjectsEnrichment
English, Mathematics, Science, ICT, PHSE / SREDT, Art and Design, Food Technology, Modern World (MFL RE), Geography, History, Performing Arts, PE, Enterprise and Careers, Preparing for adulthood
Qualifications offered
Entry Levels, Functional Skills L1 & L2, GCSE, BTEC, D of E