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Rewards at Abbey

At Team Abbey we love celebrating our pupils successes. We reward our pupils for showing the House values of Courage, Great Attitude, Respect and Big hearts, both in class and around school. Teachers will also reward great effort and work in class. Teachers may use certificates and other sources of praise but the school's main success currency is House Points.

We are really excited that our rewards in school are now linked in to our Steam Street experience.

Children can save (gaining interest) or spend their House Points and also the points they have earned from their Steam Street job in the Steam Street Boutique shop. This opens every Friday afternoon. For many this is a real highlight of the week, choosing from small items or saving to earn a bigger prize or experience. Upper school children can also save toward gift experiences such as a football sessions , nail and hair experience or time in our Steambooks caf?.. The school council lead the way on the rewards suggestions, gaining the view of all our children on what they would like to see on offer.

Pupils complete timesheets for the work they do as part of their STEAM Street Role. This can be found Below and on the STEAM Street section of our website.