Qualifications at Abbey
We look at each individual learner personally and plan with them a programme of study at key stage 4 that will support them for their next stage in life. For some this means GCSE courses and Functional Skills level qualifications. For others this means gaining entry level qualifications that will give them the starting blocks for learning they will need for the next part of their learning journey.
Wherever possible learners at key stage 2 will be given the opportunity to sit SATS tests at the end of key stage 2. If the learner is working below the standard of the test, teacher assessments are made by the class teacher.
We believe examinations should be encouraged where the learner gains something from completing them.
Learners are offered qualifications, as appropriate, from the following:
- GCSE English Language
- GCSE English Literature
- GCSE Maths
- GCSE Science (Double GCSE)
- BTEC EL1, EL2, EL3 and L1 Vocational Study
- BTEC L1/2 Home Cooking Skills
- BTEC L1/2 (a choice of one of the following linked to career aspirations) Sport, Performing Arts, Health and Social Care, Creative Media, Art and Design
- Functional Skills L1 and 2 English
- Functional Skills L1 and 2 Maths
- Functional Skills L1 and 2 ICT
- Entry Level 1/2/3 in English
- Entry Level 1/2/3 in maths
- Entry Level 1/2/3 in science
- Entry Level 1/2/3 in ICT
- L1 and Entry Level 1/2/3 Vocational Study
- L1 and Entry Level 1/2/3 Workskills
- Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award
- Personalised Professional Qualifications are offered at Post 16, as part of the students career path.