We are very proud to be a Lead Inclusion School for the YST . Part of a network of 60 selected schools from across the country chosen for their expertise in engaging young people with SEND to participate, compete and lead through PE and School Sport.
Events designed to develop inclusive leadership skills for all young people enabling them to grow into active, confident leaders and role models for others.
Supporting the development of others in delivery of high quality inclusive PE and community sport, personalized for schools/ group needs or using AKFA. Click here for more info on SAINSBURY’S ACTIVE KIDS FOR ALL INCLUSIVE PE. Please try this wonderful top sportsability resource
Innovation project increasing participation in girls with additional needs has led to the co-production of an inclusive netball club for SY
FA Inclusion Innovation Shooting Stars (Girls Football pilot)
Using the exciting world of Disney and powerful role models to enthuse girls into football
Motor Activities Training Programme
We are working closely with Sharron at Kelford to develop our local offer for MATP .We have been having MATP festivals training young leaders to deliver MATP for many years and are looking to develop SOGB pathway for our athletes.
This programme uses psychosocial tools, stress-busting strategies, peer mentoring and physical activity to support young people experiencing mental wellbeing issues.