
“Do you want a collection of brilliant minds or a brilliant collection of minds?”

Something you need help with to enhance your own project or share a project idea.
What is research and the creation of synergy?
Be Brave to think differently... what is your leadership style?
What are our new and ongoing projects of research discovery?
What projects have left impact in our schools?
What joint projects are we currently hosting?
Do you have a research question or something you would like support with?

Wanting to join the Trust...

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Which is the best research to use?

Teachers and schools are being encouraged to become more evidence-based or evidence-informed, the aim being to use evidence to improve teaching practice. By acting on the best evidence, it increases the likelihood that we will make better decisions.
But how do we identify the best evidence? Whether it is a blog or a research article, with so much information out there, how can you find the evidence that is useful and reliable?

Further Information:
Where can I find further information?
Links to Education Endowment Foundation
What type of leader are you? Take the Myers-Briggs Personality Type test...
At Abbey School we are investigating the impact of marking and feedback in line with research from the Hattie Report, EEF Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning and Teacher Toolkit: Whole-Class Feedback.

Further Information:
A research project on the impact that early therapeutic intervention based within schools can have on children who are experiencing childhood trauma.

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At Abbey School we have evaluated the impact of our school dog

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We have been fortunate to have been chosen by the EEF to be a research school for a new phonics programme called 'Headsprout'. Please contact for more information.

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A research project into the settling activities for mixed diagnosis, mixed ability group of year 9/10 pupils.

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The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery: How effective is the menu approach to learning, when delivered for 1.5 hours/week within PE lessons.

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What impact does whole class reading, focusing upon specific comprehension skills, delivered for 5 weeks have on reading for our vulnerable (including pupil premium) children?

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What impact does a dedicated 1/2 hour targeted time allocation, coupled with improved assessment and feedback methods have upon progress within non-academic ILP priority areas?

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What impact will regular 'Mind Time' activities have on students' emotional wellbeing, in particular, their ability to self-regulate?

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Can there be a measurable impact for regular mindfulness sessions?

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How can the outdoor mandate group create a legacy in teaching and learning?

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How do we implement a age appropriate continuous provision in a SEND school?

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How do we positively improve communication and social barriers for verbal children with speech and language delays?

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What are the best forms of communication for MLD children who have EYFS developmental stage profiles?

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What impact does the DT curriculum have on pupils with ASD?

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What is the impact that coaching can have on whole school development?

Further Information:
Links to Nexus Academy Trust
Youth Sport Trust Award is taught in a play unified way across 4 different setting. Please contact for more information
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